Single Cell RNAseq: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to Single Cell RNA-seq
  • Single cell methods excel in defining cellular heterogeneity and profiling cells differentiating along a trajectory.

  • Single cell RNA-Seq data is sparse and cannot be analyzed using standard bulk RNA-Seq approaches.

  • Bulk transcriptomics provides a more in-depth portrait of tissue gene expression, but scRNA-Seq allows you to distinguish between changes in cell composition vs gene expression.

  • Different experimental questions can be investigated using different single-cell sequencing modalities.

Experimental Considerations
  • Due to the high variance in single-cell data sets, a well-powered study with adequate biological replication is essential for rigor & reproducibility.

  • Increasing the number of cells also increases the multiplet rate.

  • Pooling cells using hashtagging is a useful way to reduce costs, but also stresses cells and may affect cell viability.

  • Pooling cells from genetically diverse individuals may allow cells to be demultiplexed using genetic variants that differ between samples.

  • Do not confound experimental batch with any technical aspect of the experiment, i.e. sample pooling or flow cell assignment.

Overview of scRNA-seq Data
  • CellRanger produces a gene expression count matrix that can be read in using Seurat.

  • The count matrix is stored as a sparse matrix with features in rows and cells in columns.

Quality Control of scRNA-Seq Data
  • It is essential to filter based on criteria including mitochondrial gene expression and number of genes expressed in a cell.

  • Determining your filtering thresholds should be done separately for each experiment, and these values can vary dramatically in different settings.

Common Analyses
  • Edit the .Rmd files not the .md files

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Biology Driven Analyses of scRNA-Seq
  • Identifying cell types is a major objective in scRNA-Seq and can be present challenges that are unique to each dataset.

  • Statistically minded experimental design enables you to perform differential gene expression analyses that are likely to result in meaningful biological results.

Analyzing Your Data
  • There are excellent tools for helping you analyze your scRNA-Seq data.

  • Pay attention to points we have stressed in this course and points that are stressed in analysis vignettes that you may find elsewhere.

  • There is a vibrant single cell community at JAX and online (e.g. Twitter) where you can seek out help.

Future Directions
  • There exists a rich suite of concepts and methods for working with scRNA-Seq data that goes beyond cell type identification and into inference about how cells are changing and interacting with each other.

  • Multimodal datasets and spatially resolved technologies will be key to future inquiry in single cell and related fields.
