Content from Genotyping by RNA Sequencing

Last updated on 2024-09-06 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 12 minutes



  • What is Genotyping by RNA Sequencing (GBRS)?
  • What analyses does GBRS provide?
  • What are the steps in a GBRS analysis?


  • Explain what GBRS does.
  • Understand when and why you would use GBRS for transcript quantification.
  • List the steps in a GBRS analysis.


Genotyping by RNA Sequencing (GBRS) is a suite of tools which estimates allele-specific transcript expression and performs haplotype reconstruction in multi-founder mouse crosses. GBRS can also by used to analyze transcript expression in other organisms, but this tutorial will focus on mouse crosses. We have configured GBRS to use the Nextflow workflow software and Singularity containers.


This tutorial assumes that you have a background in genetics and are familiar with bash command-line programming.

In the area of genetics, we assume that:

  1. you understand the folloiwng terms: inbred strain, recombinant inbred strain, multi-founder advanced generation intercross;
  2. you are familiar with the Diversity Outbred (J:DO) mouse population;
  3. you understand the concepts of haplotype reconstruction and allele- specific expression;
  4. you understand what RNASeq analysis is used for and what type of data it produces.

In the area of bash programming, we assume that:

  1. you can navigate the UNIX/Linux file system;
  2. you understand the difference between absolute and relative file paths;
  3. you can create and use bash variables;
  4. you understand what a software container is and know how to use one.


There are many tool chains that can align RNASeq reads and quantify transcript expression. The alignment tools (i.e. bowtie or STAR) generally align the reads to the reference genome or transcriptome, allowing for gaps and mismatches. These methods work well for reads derived from mice with genomes that are similar to the reference, but may not provide accurate alignments for mouse genome that diverge from the reference genome. This may be particularly important when users need allele-specific expression estimates. Allele-specific expression provides an estimate of the expression of each of the two alleles in a diploid sample.

GBRS provides a suite of tools which aligns reads to pseudogenomes and then quantifies allele-specific expression in multi-founder mouse crosses. A “pseudo-genome” is a reference genome with SNPs and indels inserted from the genome of a non-reference mouse strain. By analogy, we can also create a “pseudo-transcriptome” for a non-reference inbred strain, which involves inserting SNPs and indels into the reference transcriptome. We then align RNASeq reads to multiple pseudo-transriptomes and use expectation maximization to estimate allele-specific transcript counts and total gene counts. In the process, we also reconstruct the haplotypes of each mouse in terms of the founder strain haplotypes.

The GBRS suite consists of three tools:

  1. g2gtools: given a reference genome and a VCF containing SNPs and indels, creates pseudo-genomes by inserting the SNPs and indels into the reference genome.
  2. EMASE: given a set of pseudogenomes and a transcriptome, create a multi-way transcriptome. EMASE also produces estimates of allele-specific transcript counts.
  3. GBRS: Genotyping-by-RNA-Sequencing uses the pesudo-genomes created by g2gtools and the RNASeq read alignments from EMASE to reconstruct the haplotypes of each sample in terms of the founder strain haplotypes.

GBRS is designed to work well with bulk RNASeq off with sufficient read depth to confidently call genetic variants. It does not work well with single-cell RNASeq because of the low sequencing depth in each cell.

Organization of this Tutorial

This tutorial is intended to cover all aspects of GBRS, from building reference genomes and transcriptomes through haplotype reconstruction and estimation of allele-specific transcript expression. All users may not need to perform all steps.

We envision four types of users:

  1. Users who are analyzing J:DO data
  • inside of The Jackson Laboratory This is the simplest case. The Next-Generation Sequencing Operations group has created the reference files and a pipeline to execute this workflow. This case is covered in the “Running GBRS” lesson.
  • outside of The Jackson Laboratory In this case, users will need to download and store the DO-related reference files and have Nextflow installed on their computing cluster. This case is covered in the “Running GBRS” lesson.
  1. Users who are analyzing other mouse crosses
  • inside of The Jackson Laboratory Users will need to create reference files for the founder strains in their cross and point to them in their GBRS scripts. This is described in the “Preparing GBRS Reference Genomes” and “Preparing GBRS Reference Transcriptomes” lessons.
  • outside of The Jackson Laboratory Users will need to create reference files for the founder strains in their cross and point to them in their GBRS scripts. This is described in the “Preparing GBRS Reference Genomes” and “Preparing GBRS Reference Transcriptomes” lessons.

Key Points

  • GBRS is a suite of tools which includes pseudo-genome creation, allele- specific transcript estimation, and haplotype reconstruction.
  • Users who have J:DO data and work at The Jackson Laboratory can use reference data stored on the high-performance computing cluster.
  • Users outside of The Jackson Laboratory will need to create or download the reference files.

Content from Installing GBRS

Last updated on 2024-09-06 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 35 minutes



  • What supporting software is needed to install GBRS?
  • How do I configure my installation for my computing cluster?
  • Where do I obtain the GBRS reference files?


  • Understand which supporting software is required by GBRS.
  • Install supporting software and GBRS.
  • Download the required reference files for Diversity Outbred mice.


Genotyping by RNA Sequencing (GBRS) uses several pieces of supporting software to run. We use the Nextflow workflow software and Singularity containers. Your computing cluster will also have a job submission system. Examples of this are slurm or PBS.

Install Nextflow

Many computing clusters will have nextflow installed. However, if it is not installed on your cluster, nextflow provides
detailed installation instructions. The installation requires a version of Java as well.

You should contact your computing cluster administrator and ask them if nextflow is already installed and, if so, how to access it. Sometimes you need to add software with an explicit command like:

module load nextflow

Install Singularity

There are several software container systems that are in popular use, including Docker and singularity. Many computing clusters use Singularity because it does not allow root access from within containers.

Again, you should contact your computing cluster administrator and ask whether Singularity is installed and, if so, how to access it.

Install Nextflow

Nextflow is a scripting language which runs computational pipelines. It handles running jobs and tracking progress. Most computing clusters should have this installed. If not, you will need to install it and make sure that it is in the PATH variable in your environment.

Nextflow Pipeline Repository

The Computational Sciences group at The Jackson Laboratory has created a suite of next-generation sequencing tools using nextflow. These are stored in a publicly available Github repository.

Navigate to and click on the green “Code” button.

Picture of Github Repository with Code button clicked
cs-nf-pipeline github repository

This will show a pop-over window with a code which you can copy to your clipboard. Change into a directory where you wish download the repository. Depending on how you clone Github repositories (https or ssh), your command may look something like this:

git clone

or this:

git clone

Cluster Profile Configuration File

There are sample profile configuration files on Github. These files are for the clusters at The Jackson Laboratory. You will need to modify the values in this file to configure the settings for your cluster.

We provide some examples of blocks which you may need to edit.

singularity {
   enabled = true
   autoMounts = true
   cacheDir = '/projects/omics_share/meta/containers'

You should set the value of cacheDir to a directory in which you would like the pipeline to store software containers.

process {
    executor = 'slurm'
    queue = 'compute'
    clusterOptions = {task.time < 72.h ? '-q batch' : '-q long'}
    module = 'slurm'

If your cluster does not use slurm, then you should edit the ‘executor’ variable to be the one which you use. See the nextflow executor documentation for more information.

executor {
    name = 'slurm'
    // The number of tasks the executor will handle in a parallel manner
    queueSize = 150
    submitRateLimit = '1 / 2 s'
    // Determines the max rate of job submission per time unit, for example '10sec' eg. max 10 jobs per second or '1/2 s' i.e. 1 job submissions every 2 seconds.

If your cluster does not use slurm, then you will need to modify the block above.

Reference Data Files

The reference files for Diversity Outbred mice are stored on Zenodo. Create a directory in which you will store the reference files and change into it.


These reference files are on mouse genome build GRCm39 and use Ensembl 105 gene annotation.

You do not need all of the files. You will need the following files:

Bowtie transcript indices:

Reference genome FASTA file index:

GBRS needs the reference file index for internal bookkeeping. The reference genome is contained in the Bowtie indices above.

Gene and Transcript information:

Marker grid on GRCm39:

GBRS uses a 74,165 pseudomarker grid with markers evenly distributed across the genome. This is the grid on which the results are reported. The motivation is that each tissue will express a different set of genes with different genomic positions and this grid allows for consistent reporting of results.

Emission probabilities:

Transition probabilities:

Colors to use when drawing founder haplotypes:

Once you have these file in place, navigate to the “Running GBRS” lesson.

Key Points

  • GBRS requires support software and Diversity Outbred reference files to run.
  • GBRS uses nextflow to run the GBRS pipeline.
  • GBRS uses a container system, either docker or Singularity, to modularize required software versions.
  • Diversity Outbred (DO) reference files are needed to run GBRS on DO mice.

Content from Running GBRS

Last updated on 2024-09-09 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 120 minutes



  • How do I run GBRS on my FASTQ files at JAX?
  • How do I run GBRS on my FASTQ files at another institution?


  • At JAX: analyze FASTQ files using GBRS on the High Performance Computing cluster.
  • At other institutions: configure Nexflow and the reference files and analyze FASTQ files using GBRS.

At the Jackson Laboratory (JAX)

The GBRS Nextflow pipeline is configured to run on sumner2, the High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster at JAX.

We will consider two scenarios:

  1. You are analyzing expression data from Diversity Outbred mice;
  2. You are analyzing expression data from some other cross;

GBRS for Diversity Outbred Mice

The Next-Generation Operations (NGSOps) team has configured the default arrguments for the GBRS Nextflow pipeline to use the reference files for GRCm39 and Ensembl version 105. This means that the arguments that point GBRS to the locations of the founder genomes, founder transcriptomes, and aligner indices are already set.

Here is the entire script:

#SBATCH --qos=batch # job queue
#SBATCH --ntasks=1 # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores
#SBATCH --mem=1G # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00 # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

# Run GBRS on each sample. GRCm39. Ensembl 105.
# Daniel Gatti
# 2022-09-28

set -e -u -x -o pipefail

##### VARIABLES #####

# Base directory for project.

# Sample metadata file.

# Base /flashscratch directory.

# Temporary working directory.

# Temporary output directory.

# Final results directory (in backed up space)

# GBRS path.

# GBRS version on Github.

# Singularity cache directory.
#export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=${flashscratch}/singularity_cache

##### MAIN #####

mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR}
mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR}
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}

module load singularity

cd ${TMP_DIR}

nextflow run ${GBRS_GITHUB_PATH} \
         -r ${GBRS_VERSION} \
         -profile sumner \
         -w ${TMP_DIR} \
         --workflow gbrs \
         --pubdir ${OUT_DIR} \
         --csv_input ${SAMPLE_META_FILE} \

# Copy output files from OUT_DIR to DEST_DIR.
DIRS=`(ls ${OUT_DIR})`

for i in ${DIRS}

  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/stats/* ${DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*_counts ${DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*.tsv ${DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*.pdf ${DEST_DIR}


# Clean up tmp directory.
rm -rf ${TMP_DIR}

For Diversity Outbred (DO) mice, the reference files are stored in the reference data directories /projects/omics_share on sumner2.

JAX uses slurm (NOTE: This is an internal JAX link which requires a JAX login.) to manage computing jobs on sumner2. There are several good tutorials on using slurm on the JAX Research IT Documentation Library.

slurm Options Block

slurm scripts are bash scripts, so they start with:


Next, we use a slurm options block to tell slurm what computing resources we would like to use. You could pass slurm options in at the command line, but we recommend using an options block in your script so that you have a record of the resources required to run your job.

Each line in the slurm options block starts with:


This tells slurm that what follows on this line is a slurm option. There are many slurm options, which are exhaustively enumerated in the slurm documentation. Here we will use only a few of the options:

#SBATCH --qos=batch       # job queue
#SBATCH --ntasks=1        # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores
#SBATCH --mem=1G          # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00   # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

The first option specifies the job queue to use for this job. In this case, it is the “batch” queue on sumner2.

#SBATCH --qos=batch       # job queue

The next two options specify the number of nodes and number of CPUs (or cores) per node to use. In this case, we will use one node and one CPU. This may seem confusing because we would like to use many nodes and cores to reduce the total run time of our job. But Nextflow handles resource request. This script just starts the Nextflow job, which does not require many resources. If you request more nodes and CPUs here, you will only be tying up resources that will sit idle while your job run. So one node and one CPU per node are sufficient.

#SBATCH --ntasks=1        # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores

The next option specifies the memory required for this task. We will request one Gigabyte (G). Again, this may seem like a small amount of memory for a large computational job, but this is only the memeory required to start and manage the Nextflow job. Nextflow will request the resources that it needs to run GBRS.

#SBATCH --mem=1G          # memory pool for all cores

The last option that we will specify is the total wall-clock time needed to complete the job. This needs to be the total amount of time required to complete the job. This can be difficult to estimate and depends upon the number of samples, depth of coverage, and the configuration and utilization of the cluster.

#SBATCH --time=48:00:00   # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

Header Section

# Run GBRS on each sample. GRCm39. Ensembl 105.
# Daniel Gatti
# 2022-09-28

This section is not required, but it allows you to add some comments about what are doing. It is also a consistent place to put your name, contact information, and the date. Putting your name and contact information helps to keep you accountable for the code. Putting the date in the header helps you to remember when you wrote the script.

Error Handling

set -e -u -x -o pipefail

This commands tells bash to exit if any line of the script fails (-e), to catch uninitialized variables (-u), to print commands as we run (-x), and to
output the last exit code (-o).

Variable Section

We strongly recommend that you use bash variables to build file paths and specify arguments to the GBRS script. The reason for this is that it is easier to remember what each varible is when it is given a meaningful name.

Consider this script which runs the “analysis_tool_of_science”:

analysis_tool_of_science -t 8 \
  -g /path/to/another/file \
  -a /really/long/path/to/yet/another/file \
  -i /path/to/mystery/file/number1 /path/to/mystery/file/number2 \
  -x /path/to/some/directory/on/the/cluster
  -o /path/to/another/directory/with/a/file/prefix

You can read the tool’s documentation to find out what each file is, but that requires extra time. This script would be easier to read if the paths had meaningful names. In the code block below, we give each file a meaningful variable name and provide a comment explaining what each file is. We also use this opportunity to specify the genome and annotation builds.

# FASTA file containing genome sequence for GRCm39.

# GTF file containing genome annotation for Ensembl 105.

# Paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files.

# Path to temporary directory for analysis_tool.

# Path to output file, with a file prefix.

analysis_tool_of_science -t 8 \
  -g ${GENOME_FASTA} \
  -i $(FASTQ_FILE1} ${FASTQ_FILE2} \
  -x ${TEMP_DIR}

This makes the script much easier for yourself (a year from now) and others to read and understand.

First, we will focus on variables that set the location of your files and working directories.

# Base directory for project.

We like to set a “base directory”, which is the high-level directory for the project on which you are working. In this case, we are using a diabetes project as an example. We use the base directory to create other file paths which are below this directory.

# Sample metadata file.

This is the path to the sample metadata file, which contains information about your samples. This includies the sample ID, sex, outbreeding generation, sequencer lane, and paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files. Each row will contain information for one sample.

The sampleID column should contain values that you use to identify the samples.

The sex column should contain the mouse’s sex recorded as ‘F’ for females or ‘M’ for males.

The generation column should contain the outbreeding generation for the mouse.

The lane column should contain the lane number on which the sample was run. This can sometimes be found in the FASTQ file name. In the example below, it is recorded as ‘L004’ in the FASTQ file names and this is what we used in the lane column.

The fastq_1 and fastq_2 columns contain the full path to the forward and reverse FASTQ files. In this case, we copied the files to /flashscratch, which is the temporary sratch storage space for large files.

Below is an example of the top of a sample metadata file. It is comma-delimited and has column names as the top.


Notice that we have copied the FASTQ files over to /flashscratch. This isn’t required but we do this to simplify the file paths.

# Base /flashscratch directory.

This is the path to your directory on /flashscratch. You should create this before you begin your analysis. And you should replace ‘username’ with your username.

# Temporary directory.

This is the path to the temporary directory where Nextflow and GBRS can store temporary working files during the analysis.

# Output directory.

This is the directory where you would like GBRS to write your results. You should place this on /flashscratch and then copy the files that you need over to /projects when the analysis is complete.

# Final results directory (in backed up space)

This is the directory to which you will copy your final results. It should be a location that is backed up (like /projects). Remember, /flashscratch is not backed up and your files will be deleted without notice after 10 days.

Once you have set all of the paths and created your sample metadata file, you can submit the script to the slurm queue. Save the script to a file called ‘’, and then submit it using ‘sbatch’.


Paired-end versus Single-end Data

The default settings in GBRS assume that you have paired-end sequencing data. If you have single-end data, you will need to make two changes.

  1. Remove the “fast_2” column from your sample metadata file.
  2. Add the “–read_type SE” argument to your script.

GBRS for Other Mouse Crosses

For Diversity Outbred (DO) mice, the reference files are stored in the reference data directories /projects/omics_share on sumner2. We will use these files as examples ot show you which arguments to provide.

JAX uses slurm (NOTE: This is an internal JAX link which requires a JAX login.) to manage computing jobs on sumner2. There are several good tutorials on using slurm on the JAX Research IT Documentation Library.

slurm Options Block

slurm scripts are bash scripts, so they start with:


Next, we use a slurm options block to tell slurm what computing resources we would like to use. You could pass slurm options in at the command line, but we recommend using an options block in your script so that you have a record of the resources required to run your job.

Each line in the slurm options block starts with:


This tells slurm that what follows on this line is a slurm option. There are many slurm options, which are exhaustively enumerated in the slurm documentation. Here we will use only a few of the options:

#SBATCH --qos=batch       # job queue
#SBATCH --ntasks=1        # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores
#SBATCH --mem=1G          # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00   # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

The first option specifies the job queue to use for this job. In this case, it is the “batch” queue on sumner2.

#SBATCH --qos=batch       # job queue

The next two options specify the number of nodes and number of CPUs (or cores) per node to use. In this case, we will use one node and one CPU. This may seem confusing because we would like to use many nodes and cores to reduce the total run time of our job. But Nextflow handles resource request. This script just starts the Nextflow job, which does not require many resources. If you request more nodes and CPUs here, you will only be tying up resources that will sit idle while your job run. So one node and one CPU per node are sufficient.

#SBATCH --ntasks=1        # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores

The next option specifies the memory required for this task. We will request one Gigabyte (G). Again, this may seem like a small amount of memory for a large computational job, but this is only the memeory required to start and manage the Nextflow job. Nextflow will request the resources that it needs to run GBRS.

#SBATCH --mem=1G          # memory pool for all cores

The last option that we will specify is the total wall-clock time needed to complete the job. This needs to be the total amount of time required to complete the job. This can be difficult to estimate and depends upon the number of samples, depth of coverage, and the configuration and utilization of the cluster.

#SBATCH --time=48:00:00   # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

Header Section

This section is not required, but it allows you to add some comments about what are doing. It is also a consistent place to put your name, contact information, and the date. Putting your name and contact information helps to keep you accountable for the code. Putting the date in the header helps you to remember when you wrote the script.

# Run GBRS on each sample.
# GRCm39. Ensembl 105.
# Daniel Gatti
# 2022-09-28

Variable Section

We strongly recommend that you use bash variables to build file paths and specify arguments to the GBRS script. The reason for this is that it is easier to remember what each varible is when it is given a meaningful name.

Consider this script which runs the “analysis_tool_of_science”:

analysis_tool_of_science -t 8 \
  -g /path/to/another/file \
  -a /really/long/path/to/yet/another/file \
  -i /path/to/mystery/file/number1 /path/to/mystery/file/number2 \
  -x /path/to/some/directory/on/the/cluster
  -o /path/to/another/directory/with/a/file/prefix

You can read the tool’s documentation to find out what each file is, but that requires extra time. It would be easier to read if the paths had meaningful names. In the code block below, we give each file a meaningful variable name and prrovide a comment explaining what each file is. We also use this opportunity to specify the genome and annotation builds.

# FASTA file containing genome sequence for GRCm39.

# GTF file containing genome annotation for Ensembl 105.

# Paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files.

# Path to temporary directory for analysis_tool.

# Path to output file, with a file prefix.

analysis_tool_of_science -t 8 \
  -g ${GENOME_FASTA} \
  -i $(FASTQ_FILE1} ${FASTQ_FILE2} \
  -x ${TEMP_DIR}

This makes the script much easier for yourself (a year from now) and others to read and understand.

The GBRS script has a lot of variables. We will explain each one so that you know what to use for your samples.

In this first section, we will focus on variables that set the location of your files and working directories.

# Base directory for project.

We like to set a “base directory”, which is the high-level directory for the project which you are working on. In this case, we are using a diabetes project as an example. We use the base directory to create other file paths which are below this directory.

# Sample metadata file.

This is the path to the sample metadata file. This file contains information about your samples, including the sample ID, sex, outbreeding generation, sequencer lane, and paths to the forward and reverse FASTQ files. Each row will contain information for one sample.

The sampleID should contain values that you use to identify the samples.

The sex column should contain the mouse’s sex recorded as ‘F’ for females or ‘M’ for males.

The generation column should contain the outbreeding generation for the mouse.

The lane column should contain the lane number on which the sample was run. This can sometimes be found in the FASTQ file name. In the example below, it is recorded as ‘L004’ in the FASTQ file names and this is what we used in the lane column.

The fastq_1 and fastq_2 columns contain the full path to the forward and reverse FASTQ files. In this case, we copied the files to /flashscratch, which is the temporary scratch storage space for large files.

# Base /flashscratch directory.

This is the path to your directory on /flashscratch. You should create this before you begin your analysis.

# Temporary directory.

This is the path to the temporary directory where Nextflow and GBRS can store temporary working files during the analysis.

# Output directory.

This is the directory where you would like GBRS to write your results. You should place this on /flashscratch and then copy the files that you need over to /projects when the analysis is complete.

# Final results directory (in backed up space)

This is the directory to which you will copy your final results. It should be a location that is backed up (like /projects). Remember, /flashscratch is not backed up and your files will be deleted without notice after 10 days.

In the next section, we will focus on the reference files that are required by GBRS.

# GBRS Reference File Directory

This is the directory where the GBRS reference files are stored. These are a series of files which contain information about genes and transcripts in the eight DO founder strains. The numbers in the directory refere to the Sanger Mouse Genomes Project release. “2112” refers to the 12th month of 2021. “v8” refers to version 8 of their genetic variant release.

There are eight arguments that point to the reference files used by GBRS.

# GBRS Transcripts.

This file contains the list of transcripts in Ensembl 105 that GBRS will quantify.

# GBRS/EMASE gene to transcript file.

This file contains the list of transcripts which map to each gene. Each row contains one gene, followed by its associated Ensembl transcripts.

# GBRS Full Transcript.

This file contains a list of transcript lengths in each of the eight DO founders.

# GBRS Emission Probs.

This file contains the allele emission probabilities for the hidden Markov model. These are used at each gene to estimate the probability that a given allele is obsered, given that the model is in a certain genotype state.

# GBRS Transmission Probs.

This directory contains the transmission probabilities for the hidden Markov model. There are many files in this directory, one for each DO outbreeding generation. Each file contains the probability of changing genotype state between each gene at a given DO outbreeding generation.

# Ensembl 105 gene positions.

This file contains the Ensembl 105 gene positions in a python format.

# GBRS 69K Marker Grid.

This file contains the pseudomarker genome grid which is used to report results. Each tissue expresses different gene, which leads GBRS to estimate genotypes at different genomic positions in each tissue. In order to standardize results, GBRS interpolates its founder haplotype estimates to a common grid of 74,165 positions.

# Bowtie index for GBRS.

This is the path to the bowtie index files. There are multiple files and this variable should contain the directory and the file prefix for the index files. In this case, the file prefix is “bowtie.transcripts” and the files are named “bowtie.transcripts.1.ewbt”, “bowtie.transcripts.2.ewbt”, etc.

# GBRS path.

This is the Github path to the Computational Science nextflow pipelines.

# Singularity cache directory.
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=${flashscratch}/singularity_cache

This is the cache directory where Singularity will store containers which it downloads during the analysis run.

Entire GBRS Script

Here is the whole script in one piece.

#SBATCH --qos=batch       # job queue
#SBATCH --ntasks=1        # number of nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores
#SBATCH --mem=1G          # memory pool for all cores
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00   # wall clock time (D-HH:MM)

# Run GBRS on each sample.
# GRCm39. Ensembl 105.
# Daniel Gatti
# 2022-09-28

##### VARIABLES #####

# Base directory for project.

# Sample metadata file.

# Base /flashscratch directory.

# Temporary directory.

# Output directory.

# Final results directory (in backed up space)

# GBRS Reference File Directory

# GBRS Transcripts.

# GBRS/EMASE gene to transcript file.

# GBRS Full Transcript.

# GBRS Emission Probs.

# GBRS Transmission Probs.

# Ensembl 105 gene positions.

# GBRS 69K Marker Grid.

# Bowtie index for GBRS.

# GBRS path.

# Singularity cache directory.
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=${flashscratch}/singularity_cache

##### MAIN #####

mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR}
mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR}
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}

module load singularity

cd ${TMP_DIR}

nextflow run ${GBRS_GITHUB_PATH} \
         -profile sumner \
         --workflow gbrs \
         --pubdir ${OUT_DIR} \
         -w ${TMP_DIR} \
         --bowtie_index ${BOWTIE_INDEX} \
         --csv_input ${SAMPLE_META_FILE} \
         --transcripts_info ${GBRS_TRANSCRIPTS} \
         --gene2transcript_csv ${GBRS_GENE2TRANS} \
         --full_transcript_info ${GBRS_FULL_TRANSCRIPTS} \
         --emission_prob_avecs ${GBRS_EMIS_PROBS} \
         --trans_prob_dir ${GBRS_TRANS_PROBS} \
         --gene_position_file ${ENSEMBL_105} \
         --genotype_grid ${MARKER_GRID} \

# Copy output files from OUT_DIR to DEST_DIR.
DIRS=`ls ${OUT_DIR}`

for i in ${DIRS}


  mkdir -p ${CURR_DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/stats/* ${CURR_DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*_counts ${CURR_DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*.tsv ${CURR_DEST_DIR}
  cp ${OUT_DIR}/${i}/gbrs/*.pdf ${CURR_DEST_DIR}


GBRS Output

GBRS will create one output directory per sample. Each directory will be named with the sample ID and will contain NNN files. In the table below, we denote the sample ID as . The sample ID is prepended to each file name.

Each sample directory will contain three directories:

  • emase
  • gbrs
  • stats

We will look at the contents of each directory one at a time.

emase Directory


gbrs Directory


stats Directory


These are the alignment log files generated by the Bowtie 1 aligner. Each file contains alignment statistics, such as the number of reads processed and the number of alignments. An example file is shown below:

# reads processed: 41617615
# reads with at least one alignment: 35083649 (84.30%)
# reads that failed to align: 6533966 (15.70%)
Reported 415621849 alignments

In this case, there were a total of 41,617,615 reads. The corresponds to the number of reads in the input FASTQ file. 35,083,649 (84.30% of the total reads) aligned to at least one location in the genome. Note that some of these may have aligned to multiple locations. 6,533,966 (15.70% of the total reads) did not align to the genome with sufficient accuracy to use. The total number of alignments was 415,621,849, which is an order or magnitude higher than the number of reads. This is because each read may align to the genome more than once.

File Name File Format Description
.bowtie_R1.log Text Bowtie 1 alignment log file for read 1
.bowtie_R2.log Text Bowtie 1 alignment log file for read 2
.diploid.genes.alignment_counts Tab-delimited Founder allele-specific gene alignment counts
.diploid.genes.expected_read_counts Tab-delimited Founder allele-specific expected gene counts
.diploid.isoforms.alignment_counts Tab-delimited Founder allele-specific transcript isoform alignment counts
.diploid.isoforms.expected_read_counts Tab-delimited Founder allele-specific expected transcript isoform counts
.gbrs.interpolated.genoprobs.tsv Tab-delimited Estimated founder allele probabilities
.gbrs.plotted.genome.pdf PDF Karyogram of estimated founder allele probabilities
.genotypes.tsv Tab-delimited Founder diplotype calls at each gene
. BAM file Binary alignment map

Below, we review each output file in greater detail.

Founder Allele-specific Gene Alignment Counts


This file contains the counts for each of the eight DO founder alleles for each gene. There is one row per gene and 18 columns. An example of the top of one file is shown below.

locus   aln_A   aln_B   aln_C   aln_D   aln_E   aln_F   aln_G   aln_H   uniq_A  uniq_B  uniq_C  uniq_D  uniq_E  uniq_F  uniq_G  uniq_H  locus_uniq
ENSMUSG00000000001      12124.0 12124.0 12124.0 12124.0 5066.0  9349.0  5751.0  12124.0 0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     12126.0
ENSMUSG00000000003      0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
ENSMUSG00000000028      721.0   721.0   721.0   721.0   721.0   676.0   713.0   602.0   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     721.0
ENSMUSG00000000031      464.0   464.0   464.0   464.0   464.0   298.0   241.0   464.0   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     464.0
ENSMUSG00000000037      135.0   135.0   135.0   133.0   135.0   95.0    94.0    115.0   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     137.0
ENSMUSG00000000049      42.0    42.0    42.0    42.0    42.0    20.0    32.0    39.0    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     16.0    0.0     0.0     58.0
ENSMUSG00000000056      1453.0  1453.0  1324.0  1453.0  1453.0  844.0   776.0   1454.0  0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     4.0     39.0    1506.0
ENSMUSG00000000058      1750.0  1972.0  1802.0  1972.0  1750.0  1055.0  674.0   252.0   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     2.0     0.0     0.0     1977.0
ENSMUSG00000000078      4255.0  4255.0  4255.0  4255.0  3951.0  4093.0  3189.0  3398.0  0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     633.0   0.0     9.0     12.0    5134.0

For each gene, the number of gene counts for each founder allele is shown in the columns which start with “aln”. The “aln” columns contains the estimated gene counts for reads which aligned to each of the 8 founder transcriptomes. The columns which begin wit “uniq” contains gene counts for reads which aligned uniquely to one of the 8 founder transcriptomes. The “locus_uniq” column contains ????.


Key Points

  • GBRS produces several output file for each sample.

Content from Preparing GBRS Pseudo-References

Last updated on 2024-09-06 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 75 minutes



  • Why do we need to align to a non-reference genome?
  • What is a pseudo-reference genome?
  • How do we create a pseudo-reference genome?


  • Construct a pseudo-reference genome for Diversity Outbred mice.


Genome-to-Genome Tools, (g2gtools) is a suite of tools which incorporates SNPs and indels from mouse strains into the reference genome. Inserting these variants may lead to changes in the length of the genome and g2gtools is able to map positions between the reference genome and the modified genome.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the pre-built nextflow pipeline to build a pseudo-reference on the JAX computing cluster (sumner2). Then, we will show you how each step work. We expect that most users will use the nextflow pipeline and have included the step-by-step pipeline for advanced users who may want to use non-standard pipeline options.

Creating a Pseudo-Reference for Diversity Outbred Mice

The nextflow pipeline developed by Computational Sciences contains default values to make pseudo-reference generation for Diversity Outbred mice easy. You can run the commands with minimal arguments.

There is a Quick Start Guide for JAX users at This describes the essentials of running a nextflow pipeline on sumner2 at JAX.

The documentation for the GBRS nextflow pipeline is at This page lists the default values, which point reference files on sumner2 and list the eight Diversity Outbred founder strains by default. Some of the default files are listed in the table below.

File Type Argument Name File Path Description
Reference FASTA –primary_reference_fasta /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/sequence/ensembl/v105/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.primary_assembly.fa primary reference fasta file for GRCm39
SNP VCF –snp_vcf /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/annotation/snps_indels/rel_2112_v8/mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz VCF containing SNPs in mouse strains from the Mouse Genomes Project version 8
Indel VCF –indel_vcf /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/annotation/snps_indels/rel_2112_v8/mgp_REL2021_indels.vcf.gz VCF containing Indels in mouse strains from the Mouse Genomes Project version 8
Reference GTF –primary_reference_gtf /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/transcriptome/annotation/ensembl/v105/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.105.gtf Gene annotation for Ensembl 105 in GTF

The default nextflow pipeline also include the DO founder strains as a comma separated list:

Argument Value
–strain 129S1_SvImJ,A_J,CAST_EiJ,NOD_ShiLtJ,NZO_HlLtJ,PWK_PhJ,WSB_EiJ

To run the nextflow pipeline to generate a pseudo-reference for DO mice on sumner2, use the following commands.

First, we load the nextflow module.

module use --append /projects/omics_share/meta/modules
module load nextflow

Next, change into a directory where you will be working. We suggest using /flashscratch and creating a directory for this.

Create a variable for your user ID on sumner2:

USERID=<your User ID>
cd /flashscratch/${USERID}

Then use git to clone the cs-nf-pipelines repository.

git clone

Next, we need to create a variable for the output directory name and create the directory.

mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}

The last step before running the pipeline is to create a temporary working directory. This should be on /flashscratch since many large files are created.

mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR}

There are two types of arguments in the nextflow call below. Arguments to nextflow have a single ‘-’. These are:

Argument Value Description
-profile sumner2 This sets the resource values for the JAX sumner2 computing cluster
-w ${WORKING_DIR} The working directory for temporary files

Arguments which start with ‘–’ go to the nextflow pipeline. These are:

Argument Value Description
–workflow generate_pseudoreference This tells nextflow which workflow to run
–pubdir ${OUTPUT_DIR} The directory where output should be written

With this preparation, we can run the nextflow pipeline.

nextflow cs-nf-pipelines/ \
         -profile sumner2 \
         -w ${WORKING_DIR} \
         --workflow generate_pseudoreference \
         --pubdir ${OUTPUT_DIR}

The entire process should take around 30 minutes. It should produce the following output on the terminal:


N E X T F L O W  ~  version 22.04.3
Launching `cs-nf-pipelines/` [gloomy_panini] DSL2 - revision: 6b82c2c015

 _____ _______ _     _     _______ _______     __   _  ______ _______      _____   _____  _______
   |   |_____|  \___/  ___ |       |______ ___ | \  | |  ____ |______ ___ |     | |_____| |______
 __|   |     | _/   \_     |_____  ______|     |  \_| |_____| ______|     |_____| |       ______|



Results Published to: /flashscratch/dgatti/gbrs
--workflow                      generate_pseudoreference
-w                              /flashscratch/dgatti/tmp
-c                              config/generate_pseudoreference.config
--snp_vcf                       /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/annotation/snps_indels/rel_2112_v8/mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz
--indel_vcf                     /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/annotation/snps_indels/rel_2112_v8/mgp_REL2021_indels.vcf.gz
--primary_reference_fasta       /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/sequence/ensembl/v105/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.primary_assembly.fa
--primary_reference_gtf         /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/transcriptome/annotation/ensembl/v105/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.105.gtf
--gtf_biotype_include           protein_coding,lncRNA,IG_C_gene,IG_D_gene,IG_J_gene,IG_LV_gene,IG_V_gene,TR_C_gene,TR_D_gene,TR_J_gene,TR_V_gene
--strain                        129S1_SvImJ,A_J,CAST_EiJ,NOD_ShiLtJ,NZO_HlLtJ,PWK_PhJ,WSB_EiJ
--genome_version                39
--append_chromosomes            true
--diploid                       false
--keep_fails                    false
--pass_only                     false

--keep_intermediate             false

Project Directory: /gpfs/ctgs0/flashscratch/dgatti/nextflow/cs-nf-pipelines

Command line call:
nextflow cs-nf-pipelines/ -profile sumner2 -w /flashscratch/dgatti/tmp --workflow generate_pseudoreference --pubdir /flashscratch/dgatti/gbrs

executor >  slurm (72)
[9b/2185dd] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:FILTER_GTF (Filtering GTF)    [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[86/d616d1] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_VCF2VCI (WSB_EiJ)    [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[4d/bce7df] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_PATCH (WSB_EiJ)      [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[5c/6c9c51] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_TRANSFORM (WSB_EiJ)  [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[97/91a924] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:SAMTOOLS_FAIDX_G2GTOOLS (W... [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[22/380cb8] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_CONVERT (CAST_EiJ)   [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[6f/5a91f3] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:APPEND_DROPPED_CHROMS (CAS... [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[fa/69434d] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_GTF2DB (CAST_EiJ)    [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[42/d32cda] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_EXTRACT_GENES (CA... [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[c5/15243b] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_EXTRACT_TRANSCRIP... [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[67/e947ad] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:G2GTOOLS_EXTRACT_EXONS (CA... [100%] 7 of 7 ✔
[54/203383] process > GENERATE_PSEUDOREFERENCE:SAMTOOLS_FAIDX (primary_st... [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
Completed at: 14-Sep-2023 14:18:58
Duration    : 23m 40s
CPU hours   : 14.7
Succeeded   : 72

Let’s look at the files in the output directory.


You should see the following files and directories:


g2gtools  generate_pseudoreference_report.html  Mus_musculus.GRCm39.105.filtered.gtf  trace

Look for the reference files in the ‘g2gtools’ directory.

ls ${OUTPUT_DIR}/g2gtools


129S1_SvImJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf          NOD_ShiLtJ.39.genes.fa
129S1_SvImJ.39.exons.fa                          NOD_ShiLtJ.39.gtf.db
129S1_SvImJ.39.fa                                NOD_ShiLtJ.39.transcripts.fa
129S1_SvImJ.39.fa.fai                            NOD_ShiLtJ.39.vci.gz
129S1_SvImJ.39.genes.fa                          NOD_ShiLtJ.39.vci.gz.tbi
129S1_SvImJ.39.gtf.db                            NZO_HlLtJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf
129S1_SvImJ.39.transcripts.fa                    NZO_HlLtJ.39.exons.fa
129S1_SvImJ.39.vci.gz                            NZO_HlLtJ.39.fa
129S1_SvImJ.39.vci.gz.tbi                        NZO_HlLtJ.39.fa.fai
A_J.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf                  NZO_HlLtJ.39.genes.fa
A_J.39.exons.fa                                  NZO_HlLtJ.39.gtf.db
A_J.39.fa                                        NZO_HlLtJ.39.transcripts.fa
A_J.39.fa.fai                                    NZO_HlLtJ.39.vci.gz
A_J.39.genes.fa                                  NZO_HlLtJ.39.vci.gz.tbi
A_J.39.gtf.db                                    PWK_PhJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf
A_J.39.transcripts.fa                            PWK_PhJ.39.exons.fa
A_J.39.vci.gz                                    PWK_PhJ.39.fa
A_J.39.vci.gz.tbi                                PWK_PhJ.39.fa.fai
CAST_EiJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf             PWK_PhJ.39.genes.fa
CAST_EiJ.39.exons.fa                             PWK_PhJ.39.gtf.db
CAST_EiJ.39.fa                                   PWK_PhJ.39.transcripts.fa
CAST_EiJ.39.fa.fai                               PWK_PhJ.39.vci.gz
CAST_EiJ.39.genes.fa                             PWK_PhJ.39.vci.gz.tbi
CAST_EiJ.39.gtf.db                               WSB_EiJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf
CAST_EiJ.39.transcripts.fa                       WSB_EiJ.39.exons.fa
CAST_EiJ.39.vci.gz                               WSB_EiJ.39.fa
CAST_EiJ.39.vci.gz.tbi                           WSB_EiJ.39.fa.fai
Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai  WSB_EiJ.39.genes.fa
NOD_ShiLtJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf           WSB_EiJ.39.gtf.db
NOD_ShiLtJ.39.exons.fa                           WSB_EiJ.39.transcripts.fa
NOD_ShiLtJ.39.fa                                 WSB_EiJ.39.vci.gz
NOD_ShiLtJ.39.fa.fai                             WSB_EiJ.39.vci.gz.tbi

Creating Pseudo-Reference Genomes and Transcriptomes for Other Strains

If you are working with a cross comprised of other strains, you can change the “–strain” argument.

Challenge 1: Viewing Strain Names in a VCF

There are 50 strains in the VCF SNP file. What are their names? The strain names are stored in the VCF header. The samtools container also includes a tool called tabix, which queries and indexes tab-delimited files. Run the samtools container and look at the tabix help page. Find a command that will print out the SNP VCF header and find the strain names.

singularity run ${SAMTOOLS} tabix --help

Call tabix with the ‘–only-header’ option and pass in the SNP VCF. In this course, we are using long option names. You could also use ‘-H’ to achieve the same result.

$ singularity run ${SAMTOOLS} tabix --only-header ${VCF_SNPS}


##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -f Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.toplevel.fa.gz -b samples -g 10 -a FORMAT/DP,FORMAT/AD,FORMAT/ADF,FORMAT/ADR,FORMAT/SP,INFO/AD -E -Q 0 -pm 3 -F 0.25 -d 500
##ALT=<ID=*,Description="Represents allele(s) other than observed.">
##INFO=<ID=INDEL,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is an INDEL.">
##INFO=<ID=IDV,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Maximum number of raw reads supporting an indel">
##INFO=<ID=IMF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Maximum fraction of raw reads supporting an indel">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Raw read depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description="List of Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of high-quality bases">
##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depths (high-quality bases)">
##INFO=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Total allelic depths (high-quality bases)">
##INFO=<ID=END,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="End position of the variant described in this record">
##INFO=<ID=MinDP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Minimum per-sample depth in this gVCF block">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled Genotype Quality">
##INFO=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description="Number of high-quality ref-forward , ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases">
##INFO=<ID=MQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Average mapping quality">
##bcftools_callCommand=call -mAv -f GQ,GP -p 0.99; Date=Wed Aug 11 21:20:03 2021
##bcftools_normCommand=norm --fasta-ref Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.toplevel.fa.gz -m +indels; Date=Fri Aug 13 11:11:49 2021
##FORMAT=<ID=FI,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="High confidence (1) or low confidence (0) based on soft filtering values">
##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="Low quality variants">
##VEP="v104" time="2021-08-30 23:27:00" cache="mus_musculus/104_GRCm39" ensembl-funcgen=104.59ae779 ensembl-variation=104.6154f8b ensembl=104.1af1dce ensembl-io=104.1d3bb6e assembly="GRCm39" dbSNP="150" gencode="GENCODE M27" regbuild="1.0" sift="sift"
##INFO=<ID=CSQ,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Consequence annotations from Ensembl VEP. Format: Allele|Consequence|IMPACT|SYMBOL|Gene|Feature_type|Feature|BIOTYPE|EXON|INTRON|HGVSc|HGVSp|cDNA_position|CDS_position|Protein_position|Amino_acids|Codons|Existing_variation|DISTANCE|STRAND|FLAGS|VARIANT_CLASS|SYMBOL_SOURCE|HGNC_ID|SIFT|MOTIF_NAME|MOTIF_POS|HIGH_INF_POS|MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE|TRANSCRIPTION_FACTORS">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -i 'FORMAT/FI[*] = 1' mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Sat Dec 18 19:08:09 2021
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Allele count in genotypes">
##INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -a -Oz -o final_mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Sat Dec 18 19:08:09 2021
##bcftools_annotateCommand=annotate -x INFO/MQ0F -Oz -o final_mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Dec 20 07:12:23 2021
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  129P2_OlaHsd    129S1_SvImJ    129S5SvEvBrd     A_J     AKR_J   B10.RIII        BALB_cByJ       BALB_cJ BTBR_T+_Itpr3tf_J       BUB_BnJC3H_HeH  C3H_HeJ C57BL_10J       C57BL_10SnJ     C57BL_6NJ       C57BR_cdJ       C57L_J  C58_J   CAST_EiJCBA_J   CE_J    CZECHII_EiJ     DBA_1J  DBA_2J  FVB_NJ  I_LnJ   JF1_MsJ KK_HiJ  LEWES_EiJ       LG_J   LP_J     MAMy_J  MOLF_EiJ        NOD_ShiLtJ      NON_LtJ NZB_B1NJ        NZO_HlLtJ       NZW_LacJ       PL_J     PWK_PhJ QSi3    QSi5    RF_J    RIIIS_J SEA_GnJ SJL_J   SM_J    SPRET_EiJ       ST_bJ   SWR_J  WSB_EiJ  ZALENDE_EiJ

The VCF header contains information about the file format version, chromosomes, metadata, and tools used to create the VCF. The column names are on the last line of the VCF header and this line contains the strain names. If you had a cross comprised of other strains, you would query the VCF to find their names.

Step-by-Step Pseudo-Reference Generation

In general, most users will not use this strategy. We have included this section to document the steps for advanced users who may want to modify specific steps in the pipeline.

The first step in creating the reference files for GBRS is to create a set of genomes and transcriptomes with SNPs and Indels from other strains inserted into the reference genome.


We will use the g2gtools container stored in the public reference area on sumner2.


We will also use a tool called samtools to query and modify sequence and annotation files.


We need two input files and we will produce one output file per strain.

The first file is the reference genome in FASTA format.


The second file is a VCF containing the SNPs of one or more strains. This file should contain the strain(s) that you have in your mouse cross.


Next, we need to pass in the name of the strain for which we are creating the VCI file. In this case, we will use DBA/2J. The strain name must exactly match the strain name in the VCF.


This Challenge is used in above as well in “Creating Pseudo-Reference Genomes and Transcriptomes for Other Strains”.

Challenge 2: Viewing Strain Names in a VCF

There are 50 strains in the VCF SNP file. What are their names? The strain names are stored in the VCF header. The samtools container also includes a tool called tabix, which queries and indexes tab-delimited files. Run the samtools container and look at the tabix help page. Find a command that will print out the SNP VCF header and find the strain names.

singularity run ${SAMTOOLS} tabix --help

Call tabix with the ‘–only-header’ option and pass in the SNP VCF. In this course, we are using long option names. You could also use ‘-H’ to achieve the same result.

$ singularity run ${SAMTOOLS} tabix --only-header ${VCF_SNPS}


##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -f Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.toplevel.fa.gz -b samples -g 10 -a FORMAT/DP,FORMAT/AD,FORMAT/ADF,FORMAT/ADR,FORMAT/SP,INFO/AD -E -Q 0 -pm 3 -F 0.25 -d 500
##ALT=<ID=*,Description="Represents allele(s) other than observed.">
##INFO=<ID=INDEL,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Indicates that the variant is an INDEL.">
##INFO=<ID=IDV,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Maximum number of raw reads supporting an indel">
##INFO=<ID=IMF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Maximum fraction of raw reads supporting an indel">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Raw read depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=G,Type=Integer,Description="List of Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of high-quality bases">
##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depths (high-quality bases)">
##INFO=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description="Total allelic depths (high-quality bases)">
##INFO=<ID=END,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="End position of the variant described in this record">
##INFO=<ID=MinDP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Minimum per-sample depth in this gVCF block">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Phred-scaled Genotype Quality">
##INFO=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description="Number of high-quality ref-forward , ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases">
##INFO=<ID=MQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Average mapping quality">
##bcftools_callCommand=call -mAv -f GQ,GP -p 0.99; Date=Wed Aug 11 21:20:03 2021
##bcftools_normCommand=norm --fasta-ref Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.toplevel.fa.gz -m +indels; Date=Fri Aug 13 11:11:49 2021
##FORMAT=<ID=FI,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="High confidence (1) or low confidence (0) based on soft filtering values">
##FILTER=<ID=LowQual,Description="Low quality variants">
##VEP="v104" time="2021-08-30 23:27:00" cache="mus_musculus/104_GRCm39" ensembl-funcgen=104.59ae779 ensembl-variation=104.6154f8b ensembl=104.1af1dce ensembl-io=104.1d3bb6e assembly="GRCm39" dbSNP="150" gencode="GENCODE M27" regbuild="1.0" sift="sift"
##INFO=<ID=CSQ,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Consequence annotations from Ensembl VEP. Format: Allele|Consequence|IMPACT|SYMBOL|Gene|Feature_type|Feature|BIOTYPE|EXON|INTRON|HGVSc|HGVSp|cDNA_position|CDS_position|Protein_position|Amino_acids|Codons|Existing_variation|DISTANCE|STRAND|FLAGS|VARIANT_CLASS|SYMBOL_SOURCE|HGNC_ID|SIFT|MOTIF_NAME|MOTIF_POS|HIGH_INF_POS|MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE|TRANSCRIPTION_FACTORS">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -i 'FORMAT/FI[*] = 1' mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Sat Dec 18 19:08:09 2021
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Allele count in genotypes">
##INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">
##bcftools_viewCommand=view -a -Oz -o final_mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Sat Dec 18 19:08:09 2021
##bcftools_annotateCommand=annotate -x INFO/MQ0F -Oz -o final_mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz mgp_REL2021_snps.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Dec 20 07:12:23 2021
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  129P2_OlaHsd    129S1_SvImJ    129S5SvEvBrd     A_J     AKR_J   B10.RIII        BALB_cByJ       BALB_cJ BTBR_T+_Itpr3tf_J       BUB_BnJC3H_HeH  C3H_HeJ C57BL_10J       C57BL_10SnJ     C57BL_6NJ       C57BR_cdJ       C57L_J  C58_J   CAST_EiJCBA_J   CE_J    CZECHII_EiJ     DBA_1J  DBA_2J  FVB_NJ  I_LnJ   JF1_MsJ KK_HiJ  LEWES_EiJ       LG_J   LP_J     MAMy_J  MOLF_EiJ        NOD_ShiLtJ      NON_LtJ NZB_B1NJ        NZO_HlLtJ       NZW_LacJ       PL_J     PWK_PhJ QSi3    QSi5    RF_J    RIIIS_J SEA_GnJ SJL_J   SM_J    SPRET_EiJ       ST_bJ   SWR_J  WSB_EiJ  ZALENDE_EiJ

The VCF header contains information about the file format version, chromosomes, metadata, and tools used to create the VCF. The column names are on the last line of the VCF header and this line contains the strain names. If you had a cross comprised of other strains, you would query the VCF to find their names.

We will work on the sumner2 /flashscratch area. Create a directory with your user ID. Then create a directory called ‘gbrs’. For example:

mkdir -p /flashscratch/dgatti/gbrs/${STRAIN}

Then change into the directory that you just created.

cd /flashscratch/dgatti/gbrs

Load in the Singularity software.

module load singularity

Use g2gtools vcf2vci to Gather Strain-Specific SNPs and Indels

In the first step, we insert indels from a specific strain into the reference genome using the vcf2vci command. This is written out to a text file in a format called “VCI”.

The arguments are:

$ g2gtools vcf2vci --help
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --vcf       -i      FILE     VCF files can seperate files by "," or have multiple -i [default: None]  │
│                                 [required]                                                               │
│ *  --fasta     -f      FILE     Fasta file matching VCF information [default: None] [required]           │
│ *  --strain    -s      TEXT     Name of strain/sample (column in VCF file) [default: None] [required]    │
│    --output    -o      FILE     Name of output file [default: None]                                      │
│    --diploid   -d               Create diploid VCI file                                                  │
│    --keep                       Keep track of VCF lines that could not be converted to VCI file          │
│    --pass                       Use only VCF lines that have a PASS for the filter value                 │
│    --quality                    Filter on quality, FI=PASS                                               │
│    --no-bgzip                   DO NOT compress and index output                                         │
│    --verbose   -v      INTEGER  specify multiple times for more verbose output [default: 0]              │
│    --help                       Show this message and exit.                                              │

We will use a subset of the arguments, passing in the reference FASTA file, the SNPD and indel VCFs, the strain name to search for in the indel VCF, and the output file path.

Inputs | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –fasta | path to the GRCm39 reference FASTA file | | –vcf | path(s) to the Sanger VCFs for SNPs and indels. Both can be passed in. |

Output | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –output | A VCI file, which is a custom file format, akin to a BED format, which lists the positions and sequences of indels. Note that, while we list the output file extension as “vci”, g2gtools will gzip and index the file, so we will need to add the ‘.gz’ extension when we use the file in downstream commands. |

singularity run ${G2GTOOLS} g2gtools vcf2vci \
                            --fasta ${REF_FASTA} \
                            --vcf ${VCF_INDELS} \
                            --vcf ${VCF_SNPS} \
                            --strain ${STRAIN}  \
                            --output ${STRAIN_VCI}

Use g2gtools patch to Insert Strain-Specific SNPs into Reference

Next, we insert SNPs from a specific strain into the reference genome using the ‘patch’ command.

The arguments are:

$ g2gtools patch --help
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --input    -i      FILE     Fasta file to extract from [default: None] [required]             │
│ *  --vci      -c      FILE     VCI File to use [default: None] [required]                        │
│    --output   -o      FILE     Name of output file [default: None]                               │
│    --bed      -b      FILE     BED file name [default: None]                                     │
│    --region   -r      TEXT     Region to extract in chromosome:start-end format [default: None]  │
│    --reverse                   Reverse the direction of VCI file                                 │
│    --bgzip                     compress and index output                                         │
│    --verbose  -v      INTEGER  specify multiple times for more verbose output [default: 0]       │
│    --help                      Show this message and exit.                                       │

We will use the following arguments:

Inputs | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –input | path to the GRCm39 reference FASTA file | | –vci | path to the gzipped VCI file created by vcf2vci. |

Output | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –output | path to patched FASTA file with SNPs inserted into the reference genome sequence. |

singularity run ${G2GTOOLS} g2gtools patch \
                            --input ${REF_FASTA} \
                            --vci ${STRAIN_VCI}.gz \
                            --output ${PATCHED_FASTA}

Use g2gtools transform to Insert Strain-Specific Indels into Strain FASTA

The ‘transform’ function takes the strain-specific SNP-patched FASTA file, inserts indels from the VCI file, and outputs a FASTA file. This FASTA file contains the inferred sequence of a specific strain.

Next, we insert SNPs from a specific strain into the reference genome using the ‘patch’ command.

The arguments are:

$ g2gtools transform --help
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --input    -i      FILE     Fasta file to extract from [default: None] [required]             │
│ *  --vci      -c      FILE     VCI File to use [default: None] [required]                        │
│    --output   -o      FILE     Name of output file [default: None]                               │
│    --bed      -b      FILE     BED file name [default: None]                                     │
│    --region   -r      TEXT     Region to extract in chromosome:start-end format [default: None]  │
│    --reverse                   Reverse the direction of VCI file                                 │
│    --bgzip                     compress and index output                                         │
│    --verbose  -v      INTEGER  specify multiple times for more verbose output [default: 0]       │
│    --help                      Show this message and exit.                                       │

We will use the following arguments:

Inputs | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –input | path to the strain-specific patched FASTA file created by patch. | | –vci | path to the gzipped VCI file created by vcf2vci. |

Output | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –output | path to transformed FASTA file with SNPs and indels inserted into the reference genome sequence. |

We need to create a genome version variable to create informative file names.


Next, we will run the transform command.

singularity run ${G2GTOOLS} g2gtools transform \
                            --input ${PATCHED_FASTA} \
                            --vci ${STRAIN_VCI}.gz \
                            --output ${STRAIN_FASTA}

We now have a pseudo-reference genome in the strain-specific FASTA file.

Use samtools faidx to Index the Strain-Specific FASTA file

This is a step which uses the samtools suite of tools to index the FASTA file.

Remember that we created a variable for the samtools Singularity container at the top of the lesson.

Then we will use samtools to index the FASTA file.

singularity run ${SAMTOOLS} samtools faidx ${STRAIN_FASTA}

Use g2gtools convert to Create a Strain-Specific GTF File

The convert function takes the strain-specific FASTA file, the VCI file, and the reference GTF and creates a strain-specific annotation file in GTF.

The arguments are:

$ g2gtools convert --help
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --input-file   -i      FILE                   Input file to convert to new coordinates [default: None] [required]  │
│ *  --vci-file     -c      FILE                   VCI file [default: None] [required]                                  │
│ *  --file-format  -f      [BAM|SAM|GFF|GTF|BED]  Input file format [default: None] [required]                         │
│    --output       -o      FILE                   Name of output file [default: None]                                  │
│    --reverse      -r                             Reverse the direction of the conversion                              │
│    --verbose      -v      INTEGER                specify multiple times for more verbose output [default: 0]          │
│    --help                                        Show this message and exit.                                          │

We will use the following arguments:

Inputs | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –input-file | path to the reference GTF. | | –vci-file | path to the gzipped VCI file created by vcf2vci. | | –file-format | string indicating a GTF file. Lower case since it will be used as a file name extension. |

Output | Argument | Description | |———-|————-| | –output | path to converted GTF file with SNPs and indels inserted into the reference transcript and coordinates shifted to the strain-specific coordinates. |

Next, we need the path to the reference GTF. We have selected the Ensembl 105 annotation for this lesson.


We also need to specify the annotation file format in lower case because it will be used as a file name extension.

singularity run ${G2GTOOLS} g2gtools convert \
                            --input-file ${REF_GTF} \
                            --vci-file ${STRAIN_VCI}.gz \
                            --file-format ${ANNOT_FORMAT} \
                            --output ${STRAIN_GTF}

We now have two key files that are used by GBRS:

  • the strain-specific FASTA file, which contains the strain’s inferred sequence, and
  • the strain-specific GTF file, which contains the strain’s inferred annotation.

Challenge 3: Create a set of reference files for another strain in the VCF.

You will need to look back at Challenge 1 to see how to list the strains in the VCFs. You can query either the SNP or Indel VCF. Create an entire script on your compute instance to run the commands above


[1] "This new lesson looks good"
g2gtools transform -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.patched.fa -c ${STRAIN}/REF-to-${STRAIN}.chain -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.fa
g2gtools convert   -c ${STRAIN}/REF-to-${STRAIN}.chain -i ${GTF} -f gtf -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf

g2gtools gtf2db                -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf.db
g2gtools extract --transcripts -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.fa -db ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf.db > ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.transcripts.fa
g2gtools extract --genes       -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.fa -db ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf.db > ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.genes.fa
g2gtools extract --exons       -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.fa -db ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf.db > ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.exons.fa
 g2gtools --help

 Usage: g2gtools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version                                                                                                 │
│ --install-completion        [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Install completion for the specified shell.  │
│                                                              [default: None]                              │
│ --show-completion           [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]  Show completion for the specified shell, to  │
│                                                              copy it or customize the installation.       │
│                                                              [default: None]                              │
│ --help                                                       Show this message and exit.                  │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ convert           Convert coordinates of BAM|SAM|GTF|GFF|BED files                                        │
│ extract           Extract subsequence from a fasta file given a region                                    │
│ fasta-format      Reformat a Fasta file                                                                   │
│ gtf2db            Convert a GTF file to a G2G DB file                                                     │
│ parse-region      Parse a region from the command line.  Useful for verifying regions.                    │
│ patch             Patch SNPs onto the reference sequence                                                  │
│ transform         Incorporate indels onto the input sequence                                              │
│ vcf2vci           Create VCI file from VCF file(s)                                                        │
│ vci-query         Query a VCI file.                                                                       │

For each strain the following is produced:


Key Points

  • Use the default nextflow pipeline if working with DO mice on sumner2.
  • You can query the VCFs and get the strain names using tabix.
  • You can specify another set of strains and use the default reference genome.
  • Advanced users can run the pipeline line-by-line and specify different options.

Content from Prepare EMASE Reference Files

Last updated on 2024-03-28 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 12 minutes



  • What does the Prepare EMASE process do?
  • What input files are required to prepare the EMASE reference?
  • What output files are created by the Prepare EMASE process?


  • Explain what tasks Prepare EMASE performs.
  • Understand the input files needed to prepare an EMASE reference.
  • Understand the output files produced by the Prepare EMASE process.


Expectation Maximization for Allele-Specific Expression (EMASE) is software which estimates allele-specific transcript expression in genetically diverse populations. It was designed to be used with genetically diverse mice whose genomes are comprised of two or more inbred strains. EMASE uses strain-specific genomes and GTF files to create strain-specific transcriptomes.

Before running EMASE, we must prepare the reference files which EMASE needs. In the “prepare-pseudo-reference” process, we used the reference genome and strain-specific VCFs to create strain-specific genomes and GTF files, which contain strain-specific sequences and transcript annotation. The Prepare EMASE process will take each founder strain genome and its corresponding GTF file and will create a bowtie index and a pooled transcript list.

Input Files

Prepare EMASE requires strain-specific genome sequences and transcript annotation files. Genome sequences are stored in FASTA files and transcript annotation is stored in Gene Transfer Format (GTF) files.

On sumner2, the GRCm39 strain-specific genome FASTA files are in: /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/genome/sequence/imputed/rel_2112_v8. These files contain the genome sequence of each strain with the strain-specific SNPs and Indels inserted. These were created by the “prepare-pseudo-reference” process.

The corresponding GTFs, which were also created by the “prepare-pseudo-reference” process, are in: /projects/compsci/omics_share/mouse/GRCm39/transcriptome/annotation/imputed/rel_2112_v8

We will create two variables for these paths:



The Prepare EMASE process requires the following files:

File Type Argument Name File Path Description
Genome FASTA files –genome_file_list ${GENOME_REF_DIR}/A_J.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/C57BL_6J.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/129S1_SvImJ.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/NOD_ShiLtJ.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/NZO_HlLtJ.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/CAST_EiJ.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/PWK_PhJ.39.fa,${GENOME_REF_DIR}/WSB_EiJ.39.fa Comma-separated list of FASTA files for each input strain
Transcript GTF files –gtf_file_list ${GTF_REF_DIR}/A_J.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.105.filtered.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/129S1_SvImJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/NOD_ShiLtJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/NZO_HlLtJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/CAST_EiJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/PWK_PhJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf,${GTF_REF_DIR}/WSB_EiJ.39_DroppedChromAppended.gtf Comma-separated list of GTF files for each input strain

We also need to provide a set of letters that EMASE will use as short abbreviations for each strain. These abbreviations are used to annotate transcripts which come from each founder strain. Note that the order of the strains in the arguments above must match the order of the strain letters below.

Argument Name Value Description
–haplotype_list A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H Comma-separated list of letters to be used as an abbreviation for each strain

Running Prepare EMASE using Nextflow

The JAX CS group has a sample script to run the Prepare EMASE process. The full script is listed below.

#SBATCH --job-name=gbrs_mouse
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
#SBATCH -p compute
#SBATCH -q batch
#SBATCH -t 72:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --ntasks=1


module use --append /projects/omics_share/meta/modules
module load nextflow

nextflow TheJacksonLaboratory/cs-nf-pipelines \
-profile sumner \
--workflow prepare_emase \
--pubdir "/flashscratch/${USER}/outputDir" \
-w /flashscratch/${USER}/outputDir/work \
--genome_file_list "/path/to/genome/A.fa,/path/to/genome/B.fa,..." \
--gtf_file_list "/path/to/gtf/A.gtf,/path/to/gtf/B.gtf,..." \
--haplotype_list "A,B,..." \
--comment "This script will run prepare_emase to generate multiway references based on default parameters"

Running Prepare EMASE

Below is an example of the Prepare EMASE command using these arguments:

emase prepare --genome-file ${genome_file_list} \
              --gtf-file ${gtf_file_list} \
              --haplotype-char ${haplotype_list} \
              --out_dir ./ \
              --save-g2tmap \

We used a subset of the EMASE arguments above. Below, we list the arguments:

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --genome-file      -G      FILE     Genome files, can seperate files by "," or have multiple -G      |
|                                     [default: None] [required]                                       │
│ --haplotype-char   -s      TEXT     haplotype, either one per -h option, i.e. -h A -h B -h C, or a   |
|                                     shortcut -h A,B,C [default: None]                                │
│ --gtf-file         -g      FILE     Gene Annotation File files, can seperate files by "," or have    |
|                                     multiple -G [default: None]                                      │
│ --out_dir          -o      TEXT     Output folder to store results (default: the current working     |
|                                     directory) [default: None]                                       │
│ --save-g2tmap      -m               saves gene id to transcript id list in a tab-delimited text file │
│ --save-dbs         -d               save dbs                                                         │
│ --no-bowtie-index  -m               skips building bowtie index                                      │
│ --verbose          -v      INTEGER  specify multiple times for more verbose output [default: 0]      │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.                                      │
workflow PREPARE_EMASE {
    // Prepare emase reference, given list of genomes and gtf files.
    BOWTIE_BUILD(EMASE_PREPARE_EMASE.out.pooled_transcript_fasta, 'bowtie.transcripts')
    // clean transcript lists to add transcripts absent from certain haplotypes.