Summary and Schedule


Two scenarios:

  • JAX: No setup required. Just need sumner access & terminal program.
  • Outside:
    • install nextflow (beyond scope),
    • configure nextflow profile for local computing environment,
    • install Singularity (will Docker work?),
    • get Singularity containers from ???,
    • get reference files Zenodo,

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Data Sets

If you are working outside of The Jackson Laboratory, you will need to download the reference FASTA and GTF file from: Zenodo.

Specifically, you should download:

You should also download the mouse SNP and Indel files from the Mouse Genomes Proejct.

Software Setup


You will be using a terminal window to connect to your computing cluster via secure shell (ssh). See the links below for different operating systems to see which program to use.

We recommend MobaXterm for connecting to external systems.

Mac/OS has a that can connect to external systems.

Linux systems have a terminal and should have ssh installed to connect to external systems.